Bulgarian for foreigners

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гр. София | Публикувана на 2022-05-10 10:18:54.
ID на обява: 599947 | Брой разглеждания: 452
Bulgarian for foreigners

Тип: Бизнес

Bulgarian for foreigners

ABILITY Language School offers individual and group studies in Bulgarian for foreigner speakers through the following languages:
- English
- French

The studies include all levels – from basics (A1) to experts (C1). If you own a business here, bought a house or you have just decided to live here, in those cases it is necessary to start learning Bulgarian for your daily contacts and normal lifestyle. During your process of learning Bulgarian you also will get knowledge in Bulgarian customs, daily life, special features of Bulgarian psychology. The reason to do this is because you get in comfort with better and faster adaptation in the new foreign language area.

No textbook is needed - the language school offers its own learning system and methods - free for our students. Methods we offer are modern and based on the communication approach and logical assimilation to the lexical and phonetic skills you need. In our system we offer complex of well balanced :

Individual lessons are referred to individual necessities and profession of every student. Individual lessons are in a suitable for you time and day, we offer also an opportunity for individual study at the office in convenient hours for the student.

Ability language school offers some different programs for learning Bulgarian. General Bulgarian course. Business course. Speaking course to develop and improve your skills in Bulgarian speech. Each level’s duration is 30 hours (45 min) / 15 sessions ( 90 min. ) – twice a week – 2 months . The price for session is 20 levas. At the end of every level you could receive a certificate which are shown how many hours you attend and your personal language abilities in Bulgarian.

For more information:
Phone. (02)953 08 87
0878 467 429
Address: Sofia ,Ivan Vazov distr. Bobotinov str. Bl.5
e-mail: abilityschool@gmail.com
Facebook: Abilityschool

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