Gamepad Interceptor for PC Games USB

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гр. София | Публикувана на 2022-03-16 09:38:55.
ID на обява: 581145 | Брой разглеждания: 749
Gamepad Interceptor for PC Games USB

Състояние: Ново
Тип: Бизнес

Gamepad Interceptor Omega, model: OGP85 PC/USB

1. Play any kind of game with this versatile controller
2. Feel the precision of two analog joysticks with digital buttons that have smooth 360-degree action
3. Take full control with the familiar design and layout of 12 Programmable buttons, which includes four triggers and digital buttons under the analog joysticks.
4. Be prepared for whatever comes your way with the trusty 8-way d-pad.
5. Play longer thanks to the comfortable shape and grip
6. Start playing right away with plug-and-play convenience
7. Compatible with game on PC platform, under OS windows 98/ 2000/ XP/ ME/ 7.0


2 analog joysticks
12 programmable buttons
4 Triggers
D-Pad 8-directions
Vibration function
Plug and Play
USB 2.0 Connection
Cable length: 140cm
Ergonomic design
Color Black

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